Atypical Souvenir

Collaborative project with FSD Fahrzeugsystemdaten GmbH supported by Künstlerbund Dresden

The project is based on post cards – the cultural heritage, which is captured and turned into a souvenir.
The new way of creative expression by means of technology virtually allows one to bring home a post
card from a non-existing place. It is a modern way to work with an archive, a meeting point of analog
and digital.
Collected visual data was processed with an assistance of artificial intelligence to generate structures
which have been never seen before, but visually rooted in the buildings existing throughout time.

Poster for the catalogue
Training process of neural networks

The database for the project contained ca.14.000 postcards. Programmed algorithm (based on neural networks) allowed to generate more postcards similar to the ones, which were in the input, but they never existed in reality. The viewer at the exhibition was able to generate his unique postcard and print it out or send by the e-mail.

The project was shown during the 8 KÜNSTLERMESSE Dresden vom 11. bis 13. März 2022 in Hygiene museum.